Scribbles and what nots from Ben

Thursday, January 31, 2008

This is what you get when FYP gets to you. (Y)

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Tick Tock

Bleah Ben you're really the best, you still have the time to blog. :O

At the end of everyday or when i do have the time to actually think, I always wonder what drives every man to go on doing his daily duties. Sure you have your motivation and shit. but at the end it all wouldnt really matter THAT much would it?

I would say living to be happy in everything you do, that would make living colourful and whole lot more meaningful. I don't really fancy the I have to do this then i will have time to rest and relax after. If you think long and hard about it, we're slaves to this monetory society and our own greed. Hey i'm not asking you to go out there and make the poor people rich or what have you but many people would choose a high paying job over a satisfying job. Its not surprising, people think with money comes happiness, i beg to differ, with close family and friends comes happiness. Of course with enough money to survive. Not overspend.

" Everyone is but faceless in my mind, faces only formed when personalities show. Everyone else but a passing memory gone and forgotten like how i am like to others, and they to me. " - Just felt like writing that down.

Penned by Ben 12.15AM Jan31 08

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Happy birthday Ah Boon

Happy birthday Boon;
Here are the events of Ah boon's mini celebration.

Happy Birthday Boss (salutes) ni yao da qi mah?

And we end with Ah Boon's Gayest picture ever :D Will post the video tomorrow or when i have the time.
Penned by Ben 12.01AM Jan30 08

Someone, something, sometime

Usually i blog to my feelings and emotions,

I try to refrain from blogging about people cuz i don't believe in such things. However i am gonna break that personal rule for today. I honestly don't like talking behind people but for this particular motha fucka i really don't give 2 shits.

I don't spread rumours about people even though some of them make me sick. Its a personal thing and yeah. I am so sick of this idiot it makes me wanna really walk up to him and just land one on his face. Even if i lose i will make sure people won't recognise his blardy face.

Talk about being a bastard. Did things behind my back and acted like the greatest friend in the world in front. Heh. Get a life fucktard. Even though events may have taken place long ago, recent events spurred the anger. When you were bloody down i freaking offered to help you solve your shit and all. To think that you would do such a thing. If there were an example to an low grade asswipe i had ever came across it would be you, you bastard.

The closest thing i could find to match you online -->

Don't worry unlike you i also do things upfront, so if you feel the need to confront me regarding this post step up bitch. Lets see how much balls you have if you do come across this post.

Penned by Ben 11:33pm Jan 29 08

Monday, January 28, 2008

Final lap

This might be my last update for sometime till my FYP is over. so instead of words i am gonna post up some pictures. EVEN UNGLAM ONES =D Enjoy.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Midst of FYP

Final Leg MOI/IMD. All the way peeps!

Happy 21st birthday Matt. Still as ugly as ever. :O

Penned by Ben 12.39AM 27JAN08

Saturday, January 26, 2008

A rose in the winter

Today i feel a lil poetic and shit so i shall pen something down.

Like a rose in the winter cold, a heart that used to be bold.
Waiting for the sunlight to shine down, till then its nothing but a frown.

Water condenses and it seems like tears, for this heart it has been years.
Its not a fear nor a sign of desperation, more similar to happiness and anticipation.

Like a melodramtic song played over again, a mixture of feelings, loneliness and pain.
Memories whizz past and everything replayed, Unhappy, anger and dismayed.

Its a suffocating thought to hold, one not many i have told.
Time has passed and many things changed, but its the heart that i still find strange.

SOCCER TODAY WAS GREAT. other than that been editing like hell as usual.
Army is coming soon = Ben is gonna have a pimple outbreak soon. DIE. CRAP. *Mumbles*
Cheena new year coming soon = good food and less time for fyp. :O
But best of all is hongbaos. wehoo. my cheena spelling not bad k even though i only learnt it till K2. After which i learnt bahasa melayu. YES i learnt that. I dont understand why people find it hard to believe.

Mim tambén apertado para acreditar? ( Me too hard to believe? [portuguese] )

Penned by Ben 1.24AM Jan26 08

Friday, January 25, 2008

Dying from stress and more stress

Ok its not enough that our videos are worse then crap and all.

Today we had to bear with seeing what an A document looks like. Effing thick. Hardcover, with extremely nice visuals.

How about normally binded, effing thick and nice visuals? B. Thats 2 grade different mind you. WHAT THE HELL. Its totally not fair to those of us who scrimp and save. BIND A HARDCOVER BOOK. THATS FREAKING 60-90 bucks! And the school's gonna keep it. Who the arsecrack wants to spend 90 bucks for the school to display in its library of stuffs?

*raises hand annoyingly* (its to get A mind you)

I tried to be smart.

Ben: Eh Julian... So like that if well all do like the B confirm must moderate one of us to A right?
Julian(lecturer): Nope if your work is crap, its crap.
Ben: *cheeky smile*

Thats not all, after that i tried the poor boy me response.

Julian(to everyone): If he can do it. SO CAN YOU GUYS.
Ben: Eh but not everyone print money like him you know. I already eating maggie nowsadays ah.
Julian doesnt bother responding to such a witty comeback.

Ben 1 - Julian 0
however Ben's FYP = 0 as well.

ZOMG thanks Jia Wen for helping with me blog.

Penned by Ben 2.20AM Jan25 08

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Stupid fucking blogskins are pissing me off

After my last post the blog skins decided to piss me off. Retarded shits. why can they give me better choices besides retarded ones. Going in search of good skins is getting on my nerves. Fuck it.

On a lighter note I just realised i have not seen my close frens for more than a month. :O

Hope to see you bitches soon.

Penned by Ben 2.25AM 23Jan 08

The reason why i started is FYP

Ok what do i think of FYP.

(F)ull of shit mixed with (Y)ogurt and (P)enises.
No. Seriously.. i wanna go to friggin dark corner and start cutting myself up. or maybe beat some dude. Like someone. I shall not elaborate or i am going to have people coming to me for being racist. :O

you petty bastards deserve some beatings too. =)

Yay i feel alot better now. Things to do after FYP:
TRAIN FOR NS <------ JUST kidding bitches.

Penned by Ben 1.57AM 23rd Jan 08