A pen from Ben

Scribbles and what nots from Ben

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Now where am i?

Boy life really has its uncertainties and we, a long road that leads to nowhere.
Sometimes I really wonder if everything is already planned or do i make the choices that affect me? When i change my mind over something, was it part of the plan or was it a ripple that changed the tides? Iwished one year would just pass by. i would gladly not go thru all the happy moments and just get a year closer to death so i dont have to witness myself wasting a year in ns =) OH well. time machines. i need one like right now. Oh on a side note. I wanna get a carrrrrrrrr. that shall be my first aim in life. Now to achieve it. Go Ben gooooooooo!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

UP for 2009!

Ok in order to not let my blog die even though i have like no time to update, i shall have an update just for 2009 cuz its gonna be the bestest year ever with me being in fucking ns the WHOLE year, yes the whole fucking year gone down the fucking drain with zilch being accomplished with me being in there.

Yes yes, you heard me NS is a fucking waste of time without anything new to learn or what. 12hrs of our life being miserable for 400 dollars a month and shit food. Oh hell people say NS makes you a man, I say what about countries without NS? The boys there won't ever be MAN?

It doesnt take NS to make you a man, just to realise time is precious. 6months is enough, even 1yr seems long. Now is 2 fucking years, yeah like we're living damn long like a 1000 yrs. we're only fucking living 100 yrs and you had to take away 2yrs and control it. Fucking ****** and fucking ****.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Down memory lane, with a different perspective

So now we all know that nobody's perfect as the fault lines widen under pressure and you show yourself. All pride and ego lost and now you are bare, because you chose ignorance because you chose to not care, so that the responsibilities in which you had to bear, now do not rest on your shoulders. I am deeply saddened by everything you have become. You probably were not the best but you didnt bend under pressure and withstood the winds of change. But over the years you cracked and now i know who you are. My pity for you does not come with relations, rather because you look just that, pitiful.

I hope and pray that this truth gets hidden and the usual facade falls back into place, because things can be painful, just so you know.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Like every year a footprint, it vanishes and a new one is formed. Sometimes it may be in mud and all bad or in some years it maybe by etched in the sand and one worth remembering.. And with every footprint and time comes people who come and go some not so close and some we hold dear. Sometimes you know you can't escape disappearing from the facade of the earth and yet it scares you more that those close to you fall victim to that than you. This fragile thing called life, sometimes seem very strange. Sometimes you have to just set your path again, forget about your last steps and continue on your next one. Maybe it might just lead you to a better place.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Qualified class 3 & 4 SAF driver. HELL YEAH! FINALLY TURTURE HAS ENDED!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The single boy

So now ppl say i might be gay cuz i'm single for so long. :O Bloody fuckin hell no way. Yeah single life sucks but wadda hell can we do about it if we havent found anyone, its not like i like being single. I see all the happy couples every weekend and sometimes i think to myself, wtf am i doing?! But then again i'm prolly single cuz its hard for me to accept just anyone, i've no idea why but i'm no male slut. SO THERE U GO. :) Everyone wants to find the special someone. including me bloody hell! and no it wont be another dude with a dick thanks..

And so life goes on...

Monday, October 27, 2008

nnooo i failed it

man restest this coming week. anyone wanna invest?? contact me! 200% returns in less than 2yrs! and whats more is u dont have to put in alot. minimum is just 155 sing dollars. =D i just recently spoke to the sg branch boss, nice chap, very ambitious

that said im moving on soon to my next chapter in ns lifeeee